Notice of Regular Communication of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6 will be held at 363 Hope Street, Bristol RI 02809.
Wednesday, March 12th, 7:00 PM

Greetings St. Alban’s Brothers,
It’s been a busy six weeks and March is upon us, hopefully the nicer weather will follow soon.
Our EA candidates are progressing well and should be able to show proficiency, hopefully during the March communication. Special thanks to brothers Belmore and Daigle for their proficiency coaching.
I’d like to begin full Fellow Craft degree rehearsals in March with a target of conferring the degree in May or June depending on our readiness.
We are progressing nicely toward the Grand Master’s Award with excellent attendance at East Bay District DDGM Visitations and Annuals. Let’s keep it going!
Our Association BoD meeting will be on Thursday, March 6th at 6:30pm. And our Bylaw Committee will meet at 7:30pm on the same night until our revision to the Bylaws is complete.
Let’s continue to plan our Fellow Craft Club gathering on Friday, March 7 th at 7:30pm at the Lodge.
Our March program will be Past Eminent Grand Commander, James Ogilvie, presenting a program on the Knights Templar organization (and DeMolay organization).
St. Alban’s #6, “We are small, but we are mighty!”
R. Andrew Benn, WM

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who have already submitted their dues—your continued support and dedication to our lodge are deeply appreciated!
For those who haven’t had a chance yet, I kindly encourage you to send in your dues at your earliest convenience. Your contribution helps ensure the smooth operation of our lodge and strengthens our brotherhood. If you have any questions or are facing challenges, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the Worshipful Master—we are always here to assist.
Additionally, if you become aware of the passing of a Brother, please contact me as soon as possible at sec.stalbans6@gmail.com so that we can arrange a Masonic Memorial Service. Please share this information with your family or loved ones as needed.
Our Lodge is always here to support our brethren and their families. If you know of any brothers or widows in need of relief or assistance, or if a Brother is ill, please let us know so we can extend our aid and support.
Lastly, if you have had any changes in your contact information (address, email, or phone), please send me an update to ensure you stay connected with the Lodge.
Thank you all for your commitment to the Craft!
Yours in Brotherhood,
Danny Cordeiro

As another year passes since you were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. May your dedication and commitment to the craft lead you to a fulfilling and enlightened journey ahead.
Charles Walker 2 Years
Steven Jennings 15 Years
Renato Ramos 17 Years
David Lavery 19 Years
Timothy A Pray 21 Years
William Stephens 51 Years

Raymond Sartini 3/11
Albert Ferri 3/27

March 11, 2025:
Grand Master Special
Visitation to Pythagorean
Lodge, Marion MA
March 12, 2025:
DDGM Visitation
St. Alban's No. 6
April 7, 2025:
Grand Master Visitation
Mother Lodge
St. John's Lodge No. 1
May 7, 2025:
DDGM Visitation / Officer Forum
St. Paul's No. 14
May 19, 2025: Annual Communication
St. Alban’s Association, Inc.
NEXT MEETING: April 3, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Association will generally meet at 6:30 pm on the first Thursday of each month. All members and initiation Masons associated with St. Alban’s Lodge No. 6 are welcome as visitors.

Grand Lodge Officers
M∴W∴ Andre H. Faria MW Grand Master | R∴W∴ Brandt Evans RW Grand Marshall |
R∴W∴ Mazen Alsabe RW District Deputy Grand Master East Bay District | W∴ Anthony M. Amaral W Grand Master of Ceremonies East Bay District |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin East Bay District | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer St. Alban’s No. 6 |

St. Alban's Lodge Officers
W∴ R. Andrew Benn Worshipful Master |
W∴ Andrew C. Daigle Senior Warden | W∴ Timothy A. Pray Junior Warden |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer Treasurer | W∴ Danny S. Cordeiro Secretary |
Roger Belmore Senior Deacon | Jason Flick Junior Deacon |
Abdala Soufan Senior Steward | Renato Ramos Junior Steward |
Barry Fontaine Jr. Chaplin | W∴ Jason M. Nystrom Marshall |
Robert Stahl Sentinel | Albert Ferri Tyler |
R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini Ritual Advisor |

Living Past Masters
Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005 | Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014 |
Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983 | Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015 |
Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997 | José J. DaSilva 2015-2016 |
Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999 | R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017 2025- |
Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007 | Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018 |
Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009 | Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019 2024-2025 |
William D. Stephens 2009-2011 | Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022 |
Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012 | Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023 |
Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021 | Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023-2024 |
Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge
Special Charities Committee
W. José J. DaSilva, W. Timothy A. Pray & W. Jason M. Nystrom
Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee
Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters