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Trestleboard: December 2023


Notice of regular communication of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6 will be held at 363 Hope Street, Bristol RI 02809.
Square & Compasses
Wednesday, December 13th, 7:00 PM

This month’s program will be a Festive Board, which will be held immediately following an abbreviated business meeting.

All attendees will be invited to Thackery Hall to celebrate the season and the brotherly love of the lodge.

Reservations will be required, so please contact W. Robert Hopkins if you’d like to attend. Food and drink will be provided. There will be a nominal cost of $20 for this event.

From the east

Greetings Brethren,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, spent with friends and family. As we all look to this upcoming holiday season, please remember those who are in need and consider donating to the local food banks. They provide such a worthwhile and important service to the community and can use all the help they can get in these trying times.

This November was yet another busy month for the brothers of St. Alban’s. At our regular communication, Brothers Roger Belmore, Barry Fontaine, Jr., and Jason Flick received the completion of the Third Section of their Master Mason degree. The 3rd Section was presented by W. Jeremy Newton, the WM of Harmony Lodge #9. His presentation was a treat to behold. Our newest Master Masons were given an excellent lecture. Our sincerest appreciation to WB Newton for his assistance that night. Brother Abdala Soufan also received his 3rd section at a degree presented by Morning Star Lodge #13.

We also welcomed our newest Brother, Randy Martinez, who received his Entered Apprentice degree during a special communication at Washington Lodge. A special thank you to our Washington Lodge brothers for allowing St. Alban’s to participate in their degree.


Robert N. Hopkins Jr.

From the secretary


Our annual holiday party is around the corner. Please get your reservations in to me either via email, text or via our website as soon as possible.

Also, if you happen to wander into the kitchen, I have been working hard on getting things cleaned up for an upcoming renovation. Please do your best to maintain it for the upcoming holiday party.


Danny Cordeiro

Acting Secretary

Years of Light

As another year passes since you were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. May your dedication and commitment to the craft lead you to a fulfilling and enlightened journey ahead.

R. Andrew Benn - 17 years

Raymond C. Sartini - 33 years

Edwin Arther McClure - 34 years

Years of Life

12/1 - Peter Iacobucci

12/7 - David A. Sartrys

12/14 - Renato Scopel Ramos

12/24 - Raymon B Murray II

12/31 - Jason M. Nystrom

Upcoming Events

7:00 pm each Thursday – officer’s or degree rehearsal & social hour

  • Dec. 3rd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Dec. 5th - Grand Master visitation to the East Bay District at St. Pauls #14

  • Dec. 12th - DDGM Visitation at Washington #3

  • Dec. 13th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • Dec. 16th - St. Alban's Lodge Holiday Dinner

  • Dec. 18 - St. John's #1 Annual Installation

  • Jan. 2nd - Adelphoi #33 Annual Communication

  • Jan. 7th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Jan. 10th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • Jan. 17th - St. Alban's #6 Annual Communication

  • Jan. 22nd - Grand Master visitation to his Mother Lodge at Jenks #24

  • Jan. 25th - St. Paul's #14 Annual Communication

  • Feb. 4th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Feb. 5th - DDGM Visitation at St. John's #1

  • Feb. 14th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • Mar. 3rd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Mar. 7th - Grand Master visitation to the Southern District at Mt. Vernon #4

  • Mar. 13th - DDGM Visitation at St. Alban's #6 - Officer Forum

  • Apr. 5th - Testimonial Dinner

  • Apr. 7th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Apr. 10th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • Apr. 19th - Grand Master visitation to the Central District at Manchester #12

  • May 5th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • May 7th - DDGM Visitation at St. Paul's #14

  • May 8th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • May 20th - Grand Lodge Annual Communication

  • Jun. 2nd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Jun. 12th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication


St. Alban’s Association, Inc.

NEXT MEETING: December 3, 2023

The Board of Directors of the Association generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. All members and initiation Masons associated with St. Alban’s Lodge No. 6 are welcome as visitors.

-NOTICE: This month we will gather at 2:00 pm.

Crest of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island

Grand Lodge Officers

​M∴W∴ Douglas J. Grant MW Grand Master

R∴W∴ Michael R. Barbera RW Grand Marshall

R∴W∴ Stephan H. Saraidarian RW District Deputy Grand Master

East Bay District

W∴ ​Jason J. Rainone W Grand Master of Ceremonies

East Bay District

R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin

East Bay District

R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer

St. Alban’s No. 6


Crest of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6

St. Alban's Lodge Officers


Robert N. Hopkins Jr. Worshipful Master

W∴ Manuel J. Benevides Senior Warden

W∴ Jose J. DaSilva

Junior Warden

R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer


W∴ Danny S. Cordeiro

Acting Secretary

W∴ R. Andrew Benn

Senior Deacon

Christian M. DiSarro

Junior Deacon

James R. Wilson, III

Senior Steward

Robert S. Hamel

Junior Steward

W∴ Andrew C. Daigle


W∴ Jason M. Nystrom

Acting Marshall

Steven H. Jennings


Brian M. Boyle


W∴ William D. Stephens

Assistant Secretary

R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini

Ritual Advisor

Albert A. Ferri & R∴W∴ David C. Lavery


Past Master Logo

Living Past Masters

Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005

Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014

Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983

Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015

Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997

José J. DaSilva 2015-2016

Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999

R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017

Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007

Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018

Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009

Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019

William D. Stephens 2009-2011

Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022

Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012

Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023

Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021

Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023-


Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge

Special Charities Committee

W. José J. DaSilva, W. Timothy A. Pray & W. Jason M. Nystrom


Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee

Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters


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